This Journey | Teen Ink

This Journey

May 6, 2016
By gabay101 BRONZE, Mercer Island, Washington
gabay101 BRONZE, Mercer Island, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"we accept the love we think we deserve" -- perks of being a wallflower

I know your chest feels very tight and your stomach is in knots
I know your heart is beating fast and you feel like you might collapse
I know your dreams do torment you and you wake up in a panic
I know you feel you cannot breathe and soon the air won't flow through
But you must not let it stop you from continuing through this journey
Think of it like a marathon
You may think you can't make it to the end, or that there's no point, it's too hard
But at that moment when you think you can't push through, you have to do just that
I promise that your chest will not feel tight anymore
And your stomach will untangle, there wont be any knots
And your heart will slow to a steady pace and you'll stand tall, feet planted in the ground
And you'll wake up feeling calm and at peace. You won't be in a panic
And fresh air will fill your lungs and you won't let anything stop you from continuing through this journey

The author's comments:

Inspired to make a change within myself and so I decided to write about it

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