I AM.... | Teen Ink

I AM....

April 28, 2016
By Legacy-Lane BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
Legacy-Lane BRONZE, Wasilla, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only dead men have seen the end of war"-Plato

-I am the explorer of the unknown and the dangerous

-I am the Healer of pain and Heartache and give light to the lost

-I hail from a family divided by anger

-A situation that has forced me to trust no one...no friend, no stranger

-Forced to live on my own, created the person I am today

-For it has given a spark to my heart for the words I need to say

-I speak the forbidden truth for it is my only purpose

-I speak for the lost generation -loudly, so the gods can say they heard us

-I will not back down to anything fate brings
-For I am a young man whose only love is to DREAM

The author's comments:

Well I was studying beowolf and ancient boasts of deeds and feats in Mythology class one day and i decided to write something that kinda had a little of that style. And to include a little how I view myself and what I think my purpose is in the process.

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