8th Grade | Teen Ink

8th Grade

April 12, 2016
By carissacarin SILVER, Poplar Grove, Illinois
carissacarin SILVER, Poplar Grove, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The start of 8th grade.

Hello she said on the first day of school,
not knowing that the kids were going to be so cruel,
especially the one who used to be her best friend,
her taunting words never came to an end.
She got lost in herself with the spin of depression,
believing that her life would never have any succession,
She made jokes about her feelings,
nobody really picked up on these unrevealings,
it was the closest she would get to asking for help,
she kept it hidden with her super secret stealth.
One boy would call her ugly fat,
she went home and replayed the words that he spat,
she started skipping meals on most days,
nobody picked up on her self harming ways.
This was 8th grade,
and she often felt afraid.

The author's comments:

I want everyone who is struggling with anything; abusive parents, bullies, suicidal thoughts, depression, self harm, eating disorders, anything, anything at all- it gets better. I felt stuck in the loop of my past and I still sort of am, but I'm overcoming, and you can too :)

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