The Green T-Shirt | Teen Ink

The Green T-Shirt

April 12, 2016
By John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Right turned left and no longer was right.

Last night, I fell into a dream.

She was there,
and he was there,
strolling through the hall.

He seemed nice,
and his looks were fine,
but he was he and wasn't me.

She smiled.

He talked.

Shoulder to shoulder,
they approached.

She turned and frowned,
flicked her eyes away,
and then drew close to him.

All she left me was a knot in my stomach,
eyes tilted to the ground,
and a green t-shirt plastered over my chest.

This morning, I woke from a dream.

She was there,
and he was there,
strolling through the hall.

He seemed nice,
and his looks were fine,
but he was he and wasn't me.

She smiled.

He talked.

Shoulder to shoulder,
they approached.

She turned and smiled,
gave a sheepish nod,
and interrupted him to say hello.

All she left me was a knot in my stomach,
eyes tilted to the ground,
and a red blush plastered over my face.

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