Fade. | Teen Ink


March 31, 2016
By Rebecca Oet GOLD, Solon, Ohio
Rebecca Oet GOLD, Solon, Ohio
12 articles 5 photos 1 comment

Fading away.
Falling apart with cracks spreading through me,
like that vase that sits on your grandmother's counter with the paint peeling off.
Peeling off.
Skin, muscles, bones, self, scattered across our world.
Insane they call me. Sitting here rocking back
and forth on the cold floor muttering nonsense.
That's what they see.
I see colors exploding and
sounds rocketing into my ears.
Everything is so bright, but everything is so clear. Like shards of glass spread over the floor.
You step on it, and it cuts into your foot,
blood blossoming like the beautiful flowers in spring.
The bees are buzzing, and the heart monitors are beeping.
My eyes see a thick cloud wherever they look, like smog,
like one of those stupid pokèmon moves on your precious game boy.
I was so innocent, but, life has ruined me. My heart has turned to stone,
and now it is finally cracking apart.
Fading. That's what I'm doing.
Going slowly invisible, pieces of me disappearing from sight.
First my heart. I feel no love for anyone.
Then my soul. I meant it when I murdered them.
Soon my skin and bones will be gone too,
under the earth, decomposing and I'll be gone.
That's the next step.
My brain is already gone, that's why I'm here, shivering violently.
I'm facing penance for my crimes.
All that's left is for me to pull that trigger,
the one that's pointed toward my empty skull.

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