Lilac | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By wilsonismissing BRONZE, Bordentown, New Jersey
wilsonismissing BRONZE, Bordentown, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The scent of lilac had me reeling
To the depths of the forbidden garden inside my mind
The place where I have long-since been banished
The place "knowing" seldom calls home

From where I sit,
Outside the pearly gates of paradise,
I envy the life I once knew.
I envy the simplicity and peace--the refuge

Admittedly, yes, I call myself Eve,
Though, my Adam remains a mystery to me.
The irony of it all, truly, is that I can't even remember my sin
The sin which snatched paradise from my hands

The scent of lilac had me reeling--
Fishing in the tumultuous ocean in my brain--
Fishing, in vain, for just one grain of truth
Fishing for the life I once knew

This lost treasure has been cast overboard
Thrown into the protective clutches of the sea of subconscious
Intended on being discovered by some worthier mind
Or to be lost to mankind forever. 

The scent of lilac
The scent of lilac
Wafting through those heavenly gates.
Teasing me with its familiarity


It reaches for me, this familiar and friendly smell.
It reaches an outstretched hand to the memories drowning...

The scent of lilac
If only I could remember what you mean to me.

The author's comments:

This poem is an attempt to describe the experience of an individual going through dementia, alzheimer's disease, or any other kind of permanent memory loss. 

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