campfire good niiiiight | Teen Ink

campfire good niiiiight

March 4, 2016
By danielsholing SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
danielsholing SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting around,
the campfire, relaxing in an old,
lawn chair, hanging out with,
my friends, my feet up on an old,
tree stump.  My face is warm
and toasty, a blanket wrapped around,
me tight.  Night sky is all
black, a few stars peeking through. 
Moon is a small,
blue crescent. Start of a beautiful, summer
night. Smell of smoke from the damp
wood, logs burning a bright,
orange and red.  Gray smoking embers
fall from the wood, makes my eyes
burn, but can’t stop staring.
Ants running across burning
branches.  Sticky, roasted marshmallow on
my lips.  Stomach is full, feeling
sleepy.  Tonight is going to be a good

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