From Here to Wherever It Leads | Teen Ink

From Here to Wherever It Leads

March 10, 2016
By Minsanity23 BRONZE, Arcadia, California
Minsanity23 BRONZE, Arcadia, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is an impromptu journey.
No Trails.
No Maps.
No Destination.

Pioneer your own roads, dare to conquer undiscovered terrains.
Navigate with the head, but explore wholeheartedly.
Set out to where love resides.

Day and night our time is spent clockwatching.
Hoping, wishing, praying, waiting for something to thrill our existence.
Human beings gasping for air in the land of the dead.

Fear flows through our veins, and we bleed out from time to time.
Our dreams are footprints scattered across the coastline, too often washed away by the tides of uncertainty.

For whatever it’s worth, fight.
Fight for a glimpse of the sun.
Fight for justice.
Fight for a legacy.

Now carry on, from here to wherever it leads.

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