sides of a different story | Teen Ink

sides of a different story

February 27, 2016
By blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live today like yesterdays tomorrow- me

"Ill use you how I want to, treat you how you dont want to. Beat you cuz I to, dont think you can get away cuz baby ill find you. Tracking you down is easy, getting past your friends is easier. Knife in hand... Ooops they slipped right into my blade, Look baby this is a fun game, wanna play? Told you not to leave me, told you ill find you. Surprise b****! Daddies here to ground you, told me you loved me, told me you cared, told me wouldnt ever leave me.. When I got home you weren't there."

"I told him I loved him, I told him that I cared, so gentle in the beginning, in the middle and all the times we shared. Every thing was perfect, until I got his ring, the one that makes any women happy. Now its the thing that makes me his property.. Wedding bells were in a distance after we said I do, I thought he was my knight in shining armor.. That was the month after he smashed my car up with a sledge hammer.. I asked him what I did wrong"

"Smashed the b****es car, she said she was leaving me, told her she's mine! She aint ever going to go, I wont ever let he go, she's mine now."

As my life began to grow in danger I started to be weary of who I was with, walk through the front door only to get a fist in the face and a kick in the side, gasping for air as i so helplessly wanted to die. Packed my bags and was on the run, he thought it was a chase and came after me with a gun, one time, two times, third time I was free."

"what ever happened to I love you baby? Did it die when we were both finally set free?"

~sides of a different story~

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