ode to cars | Teen Ink

ode to cars

February 2, 2016
By anttheyoungin BRONZE, Sacramento, California
anttheyoungin BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i want to inspire a generation like a generation inspired me

Every morning you lay down,                        

on the floor waiting for me.
To take you on a adventure,
you start your day with a key in you.
you’ve traveled far,
you’re addicted to your weekly drink.
you’ve drifted in the streets of Sacramento,
smelled the burn rubber of your feet,
tasted the oil thats keeps you running,
and waited in the darkness of my garage.
you roar at other cars,
like a lion roars at his pride.
you wasted your feet everytime you race,
you eat all my money,
you sneak into the darkness when the law see’s you.
i love your smell of black ice, i’ve taken you everywhere.
you end the night cooling off ,
to get up and ready for the next day

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