Amends | Teen Ink


January 12, 2016
By SappireWolf99 BRONZE, ~, Ohio
SappireWolf99 BRONZE, ~, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I lay there in the night, awoken by the thoughts of my unrestful mind.
It seems like when the world goes dark,
memories swarm my more than twice broken heart.
I pace back and forth, trying to clear my head.
But, what good is it, after all’s been said and done?
I tried to reason, but you refused my words.
So, what am I to do, but except this unavoidable end?
Yes, I could sulk and dwell on what was lost.
But, what do I gain by giving you the satisfaction of my grief?
So, what if there's tears, and the pictures are torn?
What's wrong with reminiscing on the good that is gone?
The memories aren't shattered, the good days are still there.
From here on out, I'll grow and learn.
I'll leave the choice of embitterment to be yours.

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