The Climber | Teen Ink

The Climber

January 5, 2016
By veronicalily SILVER, Natick, Massachusetts
veronicalily SILVER, Natick, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It seems only yesterday there was nothing under my skin but light.&quot;<br /> <br /> - Billy Collins

My brother told me
That if I climbed high enough
Up one of the telephone poles that adorned our street
That I could pluck a star out of the sky
And sell it for a million dollars

I would only try
On Sunday evening
When everyone was inside their houses
And we could go ten minutes
Without seeing a car

I was more afraid of someone catching me
And telling me I couldn't climb anymore
Than I was of falling

More afraid to lose
Than be lost

And even though I never pinched a star between my fingers
Looking down on the world from the top
Like a million dollars

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