Personal Metaphor- I am a Laptop Computer | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphor- I am a Laptop Computer

January 5, 2016
By Dsterny5 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Dsterny5 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No matter the weather or time of year, everyday I boot up around 6am. Making my way down the stairs for breakfast, I plug in to charge up on waffles and a glass of orange juice. Fully charged for the day, I begin my way to school.
I spend most of my day processing and saving documents. Copying and pasting constantly, my battery drains quickly. Soon after typing an essay I’m already down to 15% battery life. Good thing it’s time for lunch. Recharging at the lunch table, I take some time to relax and clear my memory.
During my next class, I begin a new document and place it in my well organized folders. Nothing on this laptop will be lost. Constantly adding more and more to my storage, my hard drive is never-ending.
After a long day of strenuous work, my buttons are sore and I hold the power button and begin to shut down. Tomorrow will be a new day with new problems to solve and new ideas to process.

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