A Happy Family | Teen Ink

A Happy Family

January 6, 2016
By mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A dab of arguments
A bin of resolutions
A beaker of tears
A mound of hugs
A dash of “what were you thinking?”
A mountain of forgiveness
A tingle of tough times
A galaxy of getting through it
An attic-full of old memories
A truckload of vacations
A scoop of laughter
A heap of trust
A lifetime of love

First, take the dab of arguments and mix in the bin of resolutions. In a separate bowl, combine the beaker of tears and the mound of hugs. Stir until the hugs have absorbed the tears. Add a dash of “what were you thinking?” to the mixture along with a mountain of forgiveness. Next, mix in a tingle of tough times and a galaxy of getting through it. Lastly, pour in an attic-full of old memories, a truckload of vacations, a scoop of laughter, a heap of trust, and most importantly, a lifetime of love. Serve immediately, but leftovers get better with age.

Yield: Many generations

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