Life. | Teen Ink


December 15, 2015
By AutumnRain BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
AutumnRain BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes life sucks like a melting ice cream cone.


Sometimes life gets so hard that you just don’t want to be put through it anymore.


Sometimes life is so stressful, and all you want to do is cry like a baby losing its blanket.


But sometimes life is so beautiful like a sprouting flower.


Sometimes life is happy, and all you want to do is smile.


Sometimes you just have to stay positive, and push through all of the hard times.


Why? Because life is worth it.


You are worth it!

The author's comments:

my friends, family inspired me to do this piece because no matter what life throws your way, YOU can get through this.

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