Unattainable | Teen Ink


November 20, 2015
By Phoenix247 BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
Phoenix247 BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to be a writer.
God, do I want it so much.
I want to write until my
calluses bleed,
and I don't want to care.
I don't want to care that
there are 50 million other writers
out there with 500 million times as
much talent as I have,
because that’s so frustrating sometimes
I want to cry.
I don't want to care that
I will almost definitely die
lonely and poor and unmourned,
following a hopeless dream,
and having left the
Earth no better off with or without me.
I don’t want to care about insignifiance,
or the odds against
beating the odds.
I hate statistics,
especially when they
are so factual and heartbreaking.
I don't want to care about any of that.
I just want to write.

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