Friends and Lovers | Teen Ink

Friends and Lovers

November 2, 2015
By henryelma BRONZE, Mulberry, Florida
henryelma BRONZE, Mulberry, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If only it were B.C.
Parthenons and prophesies.
Gods and Greeks.
So many took their friends to their beds.
Many listed in mythology textbooks.

Hercules and Hylas.
Orestes and Pylades.
Patroclus and Achilles.
Friends and lovers.
What else do you when you’re
fighting for ten years?

Now, in A.D., we’re forced to keep our
‘friends’ in our closets,
along with our barrettes and beanies
our throwback snap-backs.
If only it were B.C. once again.

The author's comments:

So many people I know have been forced to stay 'in the closet' in order to make their parents and friends happy. This poem reflects my feelings on the subject. 

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