Too Little Too Late | Teen Ink

Too Little Too Late

October 21, 2015
By Anonymous

Drizzle ran down the pane

Seeing darkness through the rain
Hands through hair ruffled
From the back, a heavy footed shuffle
A quick turn around, then back at the glass
He’ll be here any second, not a moment’s pass
There! Again this time, only louder
Something fell; the lotion or the talcum powder?
She thought, The shelf was always weak
Stepping out to take a peak
No, there’s no white dust, no broken bottle, nothing fell
And in that way, all seemed well
Jim’s supposed to be here
They had made a pact, out of fear
To run away together as a pair
He’s late; she wanted not to care
But she did And they have to go!
Slowly the floorboards creaked low
She told Jim it was vital
Not just some stupid recital
Weight pressed on the ground
Like someone quietly walking down
Life or death, which is more
Jim make your decision, She can’t wait anymore!
Creeping to the window stalking her chair
Watching the back of her head, and long ebony hair
Dammit Jim she has to go!
She stood up so
She could turn, storm out
But the gloved hand covered her pout
Now, nothing but a muffled scream
And a knife held in the dark with a moonlit gleam
Is all that will be left of this ghoulish scheme
When little-late-Jimmy arrives on the scene!

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