Yours | Teen Ink


October 20, 2015
By HeartOfGold15 GOLD, Bay City, Michigan
HeartOfGold15 GOLD, Bay City, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You don’t ask people with knives in their stomachs what would make them happy; happiness is no longer the point. It’s all about survival; it’s all about whether you pull the knife out and bleed to death or keep it in."
- Nick Hornby

is it, that you are proud - no,
you are of humble beginnings
and modest endings;
pride is a foreigner to the
xenophobic land of your heart.


but you let me in - though
you were still in fear of my
culture, my oddness;
But I did not pass a single marked
boundary. I let you lead the way.


we are connected, like two rivers - a flow,
carving through a now open country
where I belong;
a former traveler, I have renounced my name
in favor of being called "yours." 

The author's comments:

Written for my girlfriend. I wrote this a few months back when I was camping.

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