Where I live | Teen Ink

Where I live

October 18, 2015
By Gestapo11 BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
Gestapo11 BRONZE, Bay City, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I come from a city where boats roar.
where the beaches aren’t famous,
but filled with joy.
Our restaurants are praised, and our servers are friendly.

I come from a place where there’s a bar at every corner.
The brick city celebrates old and new.
It celebrates it’s fireworks with a passion,
and it’s teams from college to the D.

I come from a family that pushes hard.
I fail their expectations sometimes,
but I don’t care cause I try my hardest,
and they support me.

I come from a place that smells of beats,
and freezes in the winter.
The trees wake up in orange and yellow in the fall,
and the temp is perfect in the spring.

I come from a city where people know how to live.
They never pass on an opportunity for fun.
Either it’s outdoors or going to a concert.
If i ever leave this place, I will always remember Bay City.

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