Love Is Being There | Teen Ink

Love Is Being There

October 14, 2015
By HeartOfGold15 GOLD, Bay City, Michigan
HeartOfGold15 GOLD, Bay City, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You don’t ask people with knives in their stomachs what would make them happy; happiness is no longer the point. It’s all about survival; it’s all about whether you pull the knife out and bleed to death or keep it in."
- Nick Hornby

is talking to them
at 3 am
because you want to make sure
they're okay


is knowing anything can happen
over that ocean
but you take that risk anyway
for them


is a Skype call with words
said too loud,
so you can hear them over the
noisy room


is never giving up, even when
it goes wrong
even when things go bad - love is
being there


even if not in person

The author's comments:

I was digging through my poetry archives and found this one from three months ago. I wrote this for my partner.

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