I hear my mother | Teen Ink

I hear my mother

October 9, 2015
By InsiyaMoosavi BRONZE, Brampton, Other
InsiyaMoosavi BRONZE, Brampton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hear my mother…
I hear my mother tell me
Tell me “please don’t cry”
Cry not when we say bye,
Bye only till we meet again, meet again in paradise.

Mama tells me stories 5
Stories of before
Before this struggle started
Started this deadly war

She tells me of the times
Times when there was no fear     10
Fear of the apartheid system      
System that has brought us here

The skies were painted blue she says
Says the grass was never crimson stained
Stained only with laughter were the streets
Streets were filled with flowers, delicately arranged.  15

She holds me tight and whispers
Whispers about hope, and about fight
Fight till our very last breath and rage
Rage, rage against the dying of the light

This flame of grief has burnt my entire existence         20
Existence is no more
More time I need, I think,
Think as she lies, amongst bodies and gore.

The author's comments:

This piece of poetry talks about the tragedies of oppression through the eyes of a young child. I hope you will read this poem and become more aware of the oppression taking place in our world today, in places like Palestine and Syria. 


Thank you so much for reading!

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