Thinking of You | Teen Ink

Thinking of You

October 5, 2015
By Destiny00 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Destiny00 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thinking of you hurts

Wondering whether or not you're thinking of me

If you still like me back

Thinking of you as my homecoming date

I don't think you're going to say yes

Thinking of you holding me in your arms

I miss you Kissing my cheek

Holding my hand

Thinking of you is how I think of a chocolate cupcake

I love thinking of you

Thinking of you everyday

Thinking of you answering my texts

I'm thinking of you non stop since yesterday

When I asked you to homecoming

You said maybe

Thinking of you is reality for me

I do it all the time

Thinking of you like cooks thinks of cooking

When I think of you memories pop in my head

I miss Our first date

I miss our Cuddling

I miss you

How often are you thinking of me

Do you miss me too?

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