Love Cycle | Teen Ink

Love Cycle

October 5, 2015
By Samantha_may GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
Samantha_may GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting together,
I remember back to our first easeful kiss.
Calming breeze blew my hair,
As you smiled at me, you took one knee.
My heart began a free fall.

Beautiful, blue skies surrounded us,
As I swing on this high love.
Could this possibly have been true?

Until 6:42,
When cold, harsh alarm clock sounded.
My heart still pounded,
For the rest of that day.

The author's comments:

We all have that one peron/love we always seem to have pop back up in our dreams. The reasoning behind this poem was my first love and i.we were together for over 2 years before we broke up. both with promise rings on our fingers from each other. He left me for his "best friend" and now they are ingaged after 2 months of being together. the cold harsh truth comes out every morning after dreams like these. wishing and hoping it was me with that ring on my hand, and it is always me, until my alarm goes off for school that next morning.

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