ROXC ( Cross Country) | Teen Ink

ROXC ( Cross Country)

September 29, 2015
By Finlayson BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
Finlayson BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cross Country isn’t a sport
To me, it is a passion,
It is a stress reliever,
It is another way of life
Entirely apart from normal.

Cross Country has been my wings,
My mentor, my binding, and my soul.
I didn’t love it instantly,
But taught to appreciate and adapt
To its lifestyle.

Cross Country comes with sweat,
Blood, failure, and determination.
It comes with the physical strength of a bear,
The mentality of a Solider,
And the heart of a lion.

Some days you just want to quit and give up
But you push
Push, push, and push
Till you put in the work knowing it was all worth it.
All though almost all of it was acted out in silence,
Or through roars of cheers,
All that matters is you and the support of your teammates.

Some people think we’re crazy to run for fun
But it makes us evolutionarily better.
We’ve trained ourselves to be warriors of mentality,
Rulers of ourselves,
And most importantly having the heart of a Raven.
So when someone asks why we run for fun,
I can say it has made me
Into the man I will become.

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