Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 17, 2015
By 6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6hospel GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the willow tree as it branches out and blows in the breeze.
From Wittenberg in a rustic cabin surrounded by woods,
The stumbles and falls as I snowshoe up the hill.

I am from the rise of the sun as I start my morning
to the stars that guide me home on a fall night.
From fearing what the future may hold to welcoming fate with open arms.

I am from color coordinated binders to messy kitchen tables.
From the screams and cheers of family game night over Scrabble
and the smell of grandma's homemade cookies.

I am from pondering walks at Nashotah Park with my chocolate lab, Hazel
to cozy blankets and fuzzy slippers while sipping hot chocolate.
From curling up with my favorite book the time flies like a jet soaring through the sky.

I am from family trips to Door County.
From cousins screaming and yelling as we plunge into freezing Lake Michigan,
priceless moments captured in a still to remember.

I am from the wavering branches swaying in the breeze
to the rustic cabin in the woods.
From the stumbles and falls I make.

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