Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a journey
a trip and a story
a country that is constantly in distress
with countless people who
would give it all up
for nothing but the chance
to finally be free.

I’m from a home that is
filled with toys and memories
with close friends, and loved ones too
from a town that is quiet
even in the latest of the night
from neighbors who are always friendly
to those we call family.

I am from a group of friends who
at no time are too far
a walk down the street
or a brief car ride away
from friends to sisters
we’ve laughed, and cried...

From Grace cracking open her head
to Sophie’s ski accident that broke her arm
From Maddy’s unbelievable artwork
to Natalie’s incredible baking
From Clara’s theater performances
to my films and videos...

From secrets and stories
to the horror movies
From sleepovers
to the late nights we spent up talking
about gossip, plans for the future,
and the places we wish we could go
to the early morning breakfasts
filled with smiles and coffee.

I’m from a mother who taught me
by lessons and stories
passed down from generation to generation
“never give up, because the universe above us is endless”
and if dreams are high enough to touch the sky
I’ll find my name on a star
or the big screen
to one day finding it
on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

I am from a family
that is filled with countless laughs & smiles.
From mom and me
and the three pets we love and adore
from living here to living there
I sure am thankful for what I have
because I know others out there want it more.

I am from a journey
a trip and the story 
a country that finally is at peace
with those who were in power finally gone,
it truly is a blessing to know
that I am from a country of people
who stayed strong
and by no means ever gave up!

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