We Press On | Teen Ink

We Press On

September 14, 2015
By Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
10 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing&#039;s impossible; the word itself says &quot;I&#039;m possible!&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~Audrey Hepburm

On this long and dusty road,
we meet people.
Some are kind and caring;
like a cool summer’s breeze.
Others are malicious and cruel;
only out for self gain.

On this long and twisted journey,
things are heard.
Wise things, to guide us through the night;
Fantasies to send you far from home.

But we, silly creatures, press on.

On this dark and dangerous path,
decisions are made.
Rash choices, impulsive and ill-planned.
Hard ones, like the journey itself.

On this lonely adventure;
we cross many paths.
Some merge with ours,
others simply run parallel for a distance.

But we, silly creatures,

Over the years, and over the miles,
we gain a great many things.
Some can be held in the hand;
others only to be held within the soul.

But still, we lose many things.
Some lost to time; as all things eventually are,
Others gone on to new destinations.

Yet still we press on, we silly creatures.

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