Look at Me | Teen Ink

Look at Me

June 24, 2015
By JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say good bye, because good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting."-Peter Pan

Look at me
Look me in the eye
You will see the me I need to fight
In order to live
Look at the scars on my legs stomach and arms
These are my battle scars
From the me I have to fight
In order to live
I know I get angry
I'm sorry if I hurt you
Just to hurt myself
I tell myself
I need a little time
I need a little space
But you tell me
I need a little love

Look at me
As I pretend I'm ok
See the me I fight
hiding behind my dark eyes
Battling day to day
Please don't get close to me
You'll only get dismayed
The me I fight finds no hope
The me I fight is restless
So maybe if you stay
You could give me hope
And only then could I find rest

This is the me I fight
In order to live

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