Silver Shell | Teen Ink

Silver Shell

June 9, 2015
By RachelIrving BRONZE, Coronado, California
RachelIrving BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The saddest poem
I ever have read
Though only once
Is stuck in my head
It is quite long
But I remember it all
From dawn to half way
To the fall
The author is childlike
And his words always rhyme
They’re creative
And they trickle
From your brain down your spine
And my mom use to read me his stories in bed
Quite some time later
I read him again
And like a voice that lingers through a tunnel
His words echo through my head
But this story in particular
Was much different than the rest
This one was too personal
And it weighed on my chest
I stumbled upon it
While on a tall mountain space
Which happens to be
Where this story takes place
I stopped to read
And ponder and pace
As the words began to rub a little smile off my face
They once again echoed through the chambers in my head
And as the mountains grew taller
My strides grew wider
And the air grew thin
I thought to myself
“These two stories are starting to sound more and more and more akin”


The author's comments:

The poem is “The Perfect High” by Shel Silverstein and it was first read to me while on a backpacking trip through the La Sal Mountains. It was for a program called Outward Bound and our instructor read it to us then said something about going and getting naturally high together. The poem kept repeating in my head as we climbed higher and higher, we were so high up on unsteady piles of rocks and it was like I had an ongoing circle of thoughts that i couldn't break. I had a breakdown and just stayed put and one of my instructors gave me and some other kids some Jolly Ranchers.

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