The Boy | Teen Ink

The Boy

June 7, 2015
By aftycakes BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
aftycakes BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gunna get

walking into the barren land,
we stood hand in hand.
his palms soft and moist,
I got the chills.
it seemed as if the world was a blur,
but he was clear.
the only thing I ever wanted,
the only thing I ever needed,
was right there by my side.
then the girl,
the enemy,
my friend.
standing, staring, snaring,
drooling, dreaming, dreaded.
the war was lost.
the line was drawn,
no more steps were taken.
in desolation.
love is a trap.

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