the lake | Teen Ink

the lake

June 4, 2015
By Jania Osteen BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Jania Osteen BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Living by a lake is quite comforting
Every morning I wake up to see the wind making the lake drift
peacefully and calming
The smell of the water is refreshing
as if everyday can be a new day to start to something good
each morning I walk down to the lake to just think
think about all the great things life has to offer
and yet what lies ahead of me
like the wind
you never know when it’s coming next
But just like the lake
i’ll drift to my new beginning.

The author's comments:

I wanted people to understand the concept as to why I chose to connect it with the lake. Life has new beginnings and will take you somewhere. Just like a lake, the current drifts onto somewhere new

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