An Ode to Myself | Teen Ink

An Ode to Myself

May 27, 2015
By IntrospectiveIntrovert BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
IntrospectiveIntrovert BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am strong as a tree trunk.
You can shake me, break me; but I will stand my ground.
You can cut my branches, but you can’t knock me down.
I am made of the same atoms that lived in the big bang;
Stars that exploded into supernovas
Reside in my bloodstream, incandescent as a sunbeam.


I have space dust in my veins, and stars in my skin.
The freckles in my complexion shining within,
Are waiting to burst and break free,
To help me shine like the dazzling star that I’m meant to be.
I am like a flower, blossoming into beauty,
Sprouted from a seed.
I am continually growing, constantly changing;
But my core roots, I will always heed.


I am a radiant rainbow;
Iridescent and illuminating;
Filled with rays of chromatic color,
Like those that give sunsets their allure.
I am Starstuff.
And I am

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