daddy left | Teen Ink

daddy left

May 16, 2015
By Anonymous

Let me start this
and simply was just a dimple
in your perfect life
You would rather put a needle in your vein
than be with your fam
You would rather sell a dime bag
than love us
Admit it
You were only worried ‘bout
the shoes on your feet
the newest release
Why can’t you admit
You were wrong
Abusing me and my mom
but that wasn't on your mind
only the next time you would hit the blunt
or sell a dime
Now lets fast forward it to when I was born
you weren't their
your whole family
was all alone
one time we didn't even have a home
I didn't even have a dad on fathers day
I was all alone..
but thats okay
when you were in jail
the fam was okay
until one day
you came back
you said you were
I mean are you?
I questioned my life sometimes
when you were gone
all along
I just needed a dad
a father to call
my own
but instead you left me
all alone
I was only eight and I was
like a mom
I cooked and cleaned all day long
mom working full time
but you were still not around
you were still doing time
I was only eight been a mom
comforting your son your daughter and my mom
Striving and pushing to get
all the way to the next day
People say
“sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”
well thats bullcrap because you made fun of my hair and my size
I just wanted a dad to be my own
but again you left you whole family all alone
I was scared i might become you
“killer keek”
my anger towards you
i abused on others sometimes even on my mother
and my brother
people say
“forgive and forget” but how can I forgive you
you were my biggest demon to battle
your struggle became mine
now i'm my own demon
sad to say I become you
but guess what
i still love you
but how can I love someone so dear
when i never hear you touching my feels
I heard you bagging on our door
your knees on the floor
your heart thumping fast
hoping this situation wouldn't last
ya still on the floor saying
ya love us but ya still
put ya hands on my matha
“killer keek” is that what you are
or are you my dad
the type to last till the day you pass
but if I left
would you even care
or would you throw me away
like a used up piece of underwear
but again thats the rhythm of life
you live and you fight
so you don't become all uptight
with feelings over flowing ya mind
traveling to ya fists
and you open ya mouth
and the feeling just all fall out
but they aren't even laid out
thats me to the T
my mixed emotions
just trying to be free
and to feel
nothing but loving
can you give that to me
or will you
flee like when i was three
now you want
to enter into my life
I was eight
but daddy
isnt it
to late

The author's comments:

People needed to know that the people whole smile and laugh the most might be hurting the most also

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