Till the Wind is Gone | Teen Ink

Till the Wind is Gone

May 2, 2015
By Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Analisia Yazzie SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You swore you'd stay,but you broke that promise like you broke my fraglie heart

I used to see the world in your eyes,but now I only see a toxic waste land.

Those sweet words you'd whisper in my ear no longer craddle me,they keep in fear.

I used to say "I love you" and you'd respond "Till the wind is gone", in refrence to our favorite band.

I didn't know the wind had stoped blowing,for me it was hurrincane and for you the wind had stoped.

When you said the wind was gone my world stoped.

The author's comments:

Heartbreak is horrible.

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