Abstraction Diet: Good Times Fly | Teen Ink

Abstraction Diet: Good Times Fly

April 30, 2015
By MauraFinny BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
MauraFinny BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I never fall apart because I never fall together." -Andy Warhol

Breathe in the warm, summer air, exhale cold thoughts.
Savor the taste of ice cream on the not-so-icy days.
Try to live your summer like a vacation commercial.
Smile like the sun is in your eyes.


Fireworks and couples kissing at the baseball game.
Those freezer icy pops have been my breakfast all week.
Sports aren't quite the same on TV.
I'm in the moment but I'm not living in it.


Now it's the time of year where kids have a curfew
From park water fountains to the ones in the too-familiar hallway
I've counted 7 times that those"Back to School" commercials came on
The only topic adults find relevant is college


The air is now crisp and colorful
Don't forget your PB&J sandwich at home
The good shows don't even start until 3 o'clock
Caged bird.

The author's comments:

My poem expresses the short amount of freedom summer gives people. The poem can either be taken literally, inferring that summer vacations are short and school is just around the corner. The other interpretation you can see the poem is summer as a symbolization for any good times in life and how they always seem to fade away and suddenly you're back in the real world.

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