Moment's Notice | Teen Ink

Moment's Notice

April 15, 2015
By FinchCastors SILVER, Columbus, Mississippi
FinchCastors SILVER, Columbus, Mississippi
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tact is the art of making a point without an enemy." [Sir Isaac Newton]

Check your shoulder on the bus,

Look around at all of us,


Notice all the class


People care and people don't,

Each of us is just a soul


Moving in the mass


When people care they will look up,

And if not they'll just suck up,


Give you all their sass 


But when you stop for just a minute,

Just look around for just a minute,


It's just you on the bus now.


Yes, no one here can take a second,

Won't wait for you, and that's their cue,


No one's even here now. 


See, don't is not the passive tense,

Don't is now and ever since,


Not looking came in style,


If you care, and if you dare,

To spend your time not on your hair,


Look at her and smile. 


Prove her wrong in her debate,

Spoil her last chance of hate,


And stay there for awhile. 

The author's comments:

It's not very cool to notice poeple anymore. If you would show someone you notice them, this world could be a better place. 

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