Fantasia | Teen Ink


March 27, 2015
By musicalgirl BRONZE, Cupertino, California
musicalgirl BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Imagine what you could do if you had no boundaries

Have you ever imagined a place that you can call your own? A place of magic, mystery, and beauty? Everybody has their own. I call mine, Fantasia. I imagine the tree rich with shades of green and brown, with colorful plants illuminating the night-time. There will be creatures no one has ever laid eyes on before, some mysterious and rare to both Fantasia and our world. I imagine the kingdom painted a creamy color, with roofs as red as blood. There will be great lakes and majestic waterfalls, with water clear, blue, and sparkling like diaminds. Floating mountains will hang in midair and every night, the sky will be crammed with stars and comets. And the people... well, what can I say about the people? Only that they will all live in peace, ahrmony, and happiness. So if you ever hear someone talking about their own fantasy land, just remember, you have one too. I call mine Fantasia, and that's where I'll be in my dreams.

The author's comments:

I found this beautiful painting about a magical kingdom and wanted to write a freestyle poem about it.

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