My Fears and Desires | Teen Ink

My Fears and Desires

March 5, 2015
By YungRuss BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
YungRuss BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am afraid of paper clips
I am afraid of the moon
I am afraid that the floor might eat me
I am afraid that a guy lives in my fridge
I am even afraid of my hair
I am afraid of everyone whose name starts with H
I am afraid of Santa
I am afraid that gravity might break
I am afraid that Nationwide isn't on my side
I want Post-its
I want a house made of lesser houses
I want to be the first man to burp the dictionary
I even want all of your belongings
I want edible shoes
I want a friend made of dreams and fairy dust
I want a tattoo under my eyelids so I can see it when I sleep
I want all of your belongings
And I want world peace.

Most of all

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