NoBody | Teen Ink


March 5, 2015
By Joshua Grossman SILVER, Weston, Florida
Joshua Grossman SILVER, Weston, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man was walking in the fog.
His name was Bod.
His face was covered by his hat's shadow.
He was writing in his log.
As if he was walking in a meadow.

Another man saw him.
His name was John.
John wanted to scare.
So he jumped into the air,
And threw a hook.

Bod didn't even look.
John picked up his hook.
Bod kept writing.
John was to fight.
Bod kept walking.

John chased Bod.
Bod hid in the fog.
John couldn't find Bod.
Bod jumped from the fog.
John jumped and fell on a frog.

Bod laughed.
John frowned.
Bod resumed walking.
John yelled, “Who are you?”
Bod stopped walking.

Bod turned around.
John shivered as he saw Bod's grinning mouth.
Bod spoke, “Who am I? I'm Nobody.”
With that said, the man named Nobody walked south.
John turned as white as a moth.

When John told the tale.
His friends called him a fail.
And stole his mail.
John looked for his wife.
And saw her talking with Mike.

John hates Mike.
He stole his bike.
And calls him a tyke.
He just cannot stand Mike.
Especially in the night.

John marched to the pair.
He screamed and yelled.
His wife only frowned.
So he told her she smelled.
She left to form a mob.

The mob chased him out.
He lost his mount.
He cursed his wife.
And had the shock of his life.
John slipped and fell.

He fell on a frog.
Nobody laughed.
John stared at the man named Bod.
Bod stared at the man named John.
But eventually, one of them had to blink.

Some claim that Nobody never existed.
Some claim that John made it up.
Some claim that John escaped.
Some claim that Nobody killed John.
But they were all wrong, this is but a tale.

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