No Ears, No Eyes | Teen Ink

No Ears, No Eyes

March 2, 2015
By theunpickedmushroom_ BRONZE, Bella Vista, Arkansas
theunpickedmushroom_ BRONZE, Bella Vista, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
We who die violent, are added to the list.
There is the most unfortunate war,
which I, with you, deeply deplore.

Those who sit in the throne of society, majesty.
Swallow the tears of a tragedy
In which we all have played a part in.
Though not one has come to claim the win.

Lack of honour, moral,
The coffins stacked, floral.
False politicians, hoarding the prize.
Humans who have no ears, no eyes.

The author's comments:

My poem briefly discusses ideas and details that result from societal problems. The horrors and conflicts that I see on the news inspired me to write the poem.

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