Unwanted End | Teen Ink

Unwanted End

March 1, 2015
By Jupiter91013 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
Jupiter91013 SILVER, Independence, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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People laugh at me because I'm different,
I laugh at them because they're all the same.

Falling down,
Now to go,
Forty feet left,
You're no where to show.

One slice across the wrist,
It should work I can't miss,
You've got forty feet left,
I'm no where to show.

I told myself,
That you'd be here,
Thirty feet left,
You're no where to show.

I thought this day would never come,
That you'd breath would always be,
You've got thirty feet left,
I'm no where to show.

One-hundred foot drop,
That's where I started,
Twenty feet left,
You're no where to show.

Un-slit wrists is where I started,
Now I have gushing blood and ruined the floor,
You've got twenty feet left,
I'm no where to show.

I changed my mind,
I take it back,
Ten feet left,
You're no where to show.

I changed my mind,
I take it back,
You've got ten feet left,
I'm no where to show.

Now I'm gone,
Nothing left,
Zero feet left,
You're no where to show.

Now I'm gone,
Just to be with you,
You've got zero feet left,
I'm behind you.

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