I Chose Gold | Teen Ink

I Chose Gold

February 23, 2015
By katied15 SILVER, Lawrenceville, New Jersey
katied15 SILVER, Lawrenceville, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams- Live the life you've imagined"

Heart pumping, hands sweating, pulse racing

Wet glistening ground beneath silver metal blades

Busy Carving and Creating designs in the ice below

Speed and power

Cold breeze tickling my face

Adrenaline and exhilaration building, leading to my glorifying moment-

Wipe out.

Embarrassment.  Humiliation. Shame.

All eyes on me- what will she do?

I want to hide
Crawl away into a hidden corner.
I am ashamed.

Bottom cold and damp
Screams and shouts coming from cheery faces on metal benches, almost as if mocking me.

Bottom cold and damp
Sweat pooling in palms
Fluorescent lights beating down into eyes
Head reeling

Giving up

Shaky legged
Heart racing
Slivers of metal holding my weight

How will I ever start again?

Desperation and determination take over


I stand up

Body solidifies, turning into a wall
Two bodies slam together- one weak, the other strong

I've won

Instinct takes over

Suddenly my cheeks flush, turning into roses
My legs burn as I try to push through the ice
I do not glide, I shove my way across
All my concentration focused on moving the little black disk toward the goal

The goal

So much more than a point on a scoreboard
It is proving yourself to others
Making a statement
Standing out

You appear stronger, more grown up, more capable of taking on the world


One embarrassing moment can led to a moment of fame.
Only if you get up and keep going.

Do not be ashamed of the dirt on your back,
Keep it there to show others that you have made it through.

That winning goal is determined by you

In the end you choose to either go for the gold or settle for silver.


I chose gold

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