She Will be Loved | Teen Ink

She Will be Loved

February 13, 2015
By SamyG2001 SILVER, Lancaster, New York
SamyG2001 SILVER, Lancaster, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Valentine's Day

was spent alone

for years after years


Until the year

she was 15


for year after year

she felt

as if nobody had

needed her there


until the year

she was 15


a boy made her 


just with his laugh


he gave her affection

made her happy

and then


Valentine's day

was spent alone

for years after years

yet again


she was lost

didn't know if she was

truly ready


until the year

she was 22


Valentine's day

wasn't spent alone


her newest joy

within her life


he proposed


of course she

had said yes

this was her world


Valentine's day

the year she was 25


she got married

they said their vows


and the reception

they gave a speech 

about each other



made her





everything all at once


years had gone by

they each lived a happy life

with one another


until the man got sick

Valentine's day

aged 78, both of them


the husband was 

ill, laying on his

death bed


his last words;

she will be loved

The author's comments:

inspired by Valentine's day

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