Grendel's First Encounter | Teen Ink

Grendel's First Encounter

February 3, 2015
By Mhyver1206 SILVER, Mandeville, Louisiana
Mhyver1206 SILVER, Mandeville, Louisiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."
- Emerson

The intelligent creature surrounded by monsters.
A life unable to communicate. Unable to leave a dark cave.
Unsocialized and alone surrounded by others.
Rebellion, the only way to not feel the sting of loneliness.
The burn of the sun on dusty fur.
The glare blinding him.
The softest green fur under his paws.
The overwhelming sounds making ears perk.
The smells overwhelming his dog like snout.
Out of the cave.
Out of the darkness.
But still alone.
Until the sound of words hit his perked ears.
A language. His language.
Hearing the sound again, paws start moving
Excitement filling veins.
Closer and closer.
Loneliness behind him and closer to happiness.
He arrives to the sound of an almost hairless creature.
Words come from the creature once more.
Uncontainable excitement forms through razor teeth.
The hairless creature screeches echo through the new world.
This creature misunderstood, it spoke my language.
More screeches echoed. More hairless creatures.
More excitement.
More Company.
Ears perk up once more, hearing the creatures.
Then I saw gleaming tips on sticks.
Excitement was replaced with fear.
Fear carrying legs back to a dark cave.
Yells getting closer. The darkness of the cave approaching.
The safety of that darkness.
The safety of fellow…

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