"Our song" | Teen Ink

"Our song"

January 15, 2015
By poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
poetic_angel GOLD, Stephentown, New York
11 articles 9 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The world is the reason all people change but it only takes one person to change the world <br /> ~me

Depression is a horrible thing
It erodes your smile
And washes over it in pain
You become addicted to your own self destruction
Yet still fighting a little less everyday
They all try to help
But you still feel like you're slipping away
You think about ending it all
In hopes that will make the pain fade
By now your barely taking it day by day
Looking for a savior to help u stay
Then this girl comes along
Claims she'll be there always
You don't even know her
But she made you stay a couple more days
You continue talking
Some might consider it flirting
It's two months later
And you're still chatting with her
Already including her in your future
Then realizing you feel a little better
You still pull out the blade when there is bad weather
But not as often
And not as deep as it used to be
She tells you her story
And with teary eyes you say you're sorry
Five years down the road her semester is starting
It's been three years since your last cutting
She hugs you and says don't you dare worry
Just like always you're stuck with me
She finally graduates today
You realize that's the girl you wanna marry
So in front of all those people you get down
Doing a balancing act on one knee
You're not even dating so people think you're crazy
You pull a ring from behind your back
She smiles excitedly really? Is all she asks
Looking into those dazzling blue eyes and you reply
Really really besides we have the best story
Girl sweeps boy off his feet so many times he's no longer lonely
She starts to cry
You stay looking up
And she says don't worry I'll be here always
Three years down the road
Two kids play up stairs and here comes some light snow
You're fixing the car as she stares at you through the window
One more kid, four grand kids ,three collage graduations and 25 years later
You think woah!
As she swings on the porch beside you
Im so glad I held on
You both whisper always as the days float away
You finally slip out of old age
She follows almost two years to the day
Now the life you left behind stares at your graves
Crying a little As they read always

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