Secrets | Teen Ink


January 11, 2015
By landofmyth BRONZE, Sping, Texas
landofmyth BRONZE, Sping, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is the worst day of your life

and you revel in it. You savor

the chill of fear in your heart and spine

because it is new and you deserve it.

The words fly from your lips like doves

in the wind, and each is a new nail

in your coffin. A great and terrible storm

rages on his face, the clouds hiding a wound 

as deep as the sea. His gaze is sharp,

cold like the air that fills your lungs with knives 

in winter, but you have never been happier 

to be seen. He asks you why you're smiling.

In agony, in ecstasy, you reply, "Because

I am free." And you are.

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