Imperfection's Reflection | Teen Ink

Imperfection's Reflection

January 12, 2015
By IntrospectiveIntrovert BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
IntrospectiveIntrovert BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I show you who you are.
Every flaw, every scar, which you see
Is reflected back from me.
You put yourself down,
But dear, you look lovely.
I wish you wouldn’t frown.
You point out your every imperfection,
So let me give you my reflection.
You may say it’s a cliché, but don’t doubt
That it’s not just exterior that beauty’s all about.
When you look at me,
Do you want to know what I see?
I see all your flaws, for I have them too.
I see all your scars that show what you’ve been through.
But it’s your conscience and character
That make you truly attractive,
Not what you see in a piece of glass that’s refractive.
For beauty is merely perception; and if you look past your reflection,
You’ll realize that what you see in me is simply a deception.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem for my creative writing class. I was inspired to write this because it's how I feel sometimes when I look in a mirror, and I think it's something a lot of people can relate to, especially young girls. Self-image and how we perceive ourselves to be can sometimes be vastly different than how others view us. What I hope people get from this piece is that if you struggle with self-esteem, it really is all about perception. Beauty is completely subjective; and a reflection doesn't show you who you are inside. Appearance is ephemeral, but true beauty never fades.

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