Black Eyes | Teen Ink

Black Eyes

December 17, 2014
By V0LA7ILE SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
V0LA7ILE SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Your bottomless black eyes search the sky above,
they show what you see,
and what I see in them is this,

They try to soar above the clouds,
past the atmosphere,
beyond the unrecognizable stars,
they attempt to uncover the untold,
the uncharted.

In your own world,
away from all that is,
here with you,
you attempt to explain the cosmos,
and how it came to be.

In your mind,
your beautiful mind,
you are searching,
searching for anything,

It is because you have a thirst for knowledge,
so insatiable,
nothing anyone says or does can change your mind.
It is after all, your mind.

You, with your black eyes,
and everything,
all that has ever existed and ever will,
in front of them,
have come to a standstill.
Because for once, you are not the one searching,
I am.

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