Luminescence | Teen Ink


December 11, 2014
By eviehow08 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
eviehow08 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Night time: she is a swift music symphony,
but difficult-like romance.
She sings with the notes of sweet silence.
But doesn’t admit her feelings of sorrow-
sorrow that no one can see, her eyes closed,
Shut tight, avoiding any gaze,
but when her eyes awake, so does she.
Letting go, showing her unfounded luminescence
helping you while getting lost along the way
Plunging into a hole of unseen memories,
unkept secrets, and unmet promises.
Says that nothing’s ever lost,
it’s just secretly hidden, unseen from the eye.
Like Nighttime, her beauty blinding
sending you into a spiral of despair.
Wanting more, but her bright eyes deny you
for she likes to be alone, invitation denied.
For loneliness will always be there, never defiant
Her long white hair swirling, mixing-
mixing your ever so raging thoughts.
Although deep in her eyes whispers shame.
Her sister Daytime teases her to come along,
dancing with her soft feet, light to the touch.
Beckoning Nighttime to join her,
join her never-ending bright light.
Nighttime can’t for every time she has tried
her grasp escapes the hold of her sisters.
She falls back into the deep shadows
where she lives, where she’ll always be.

The author's comments:

This is about my twin sister and I. 

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